Shortening Human Attention Span And Living In Denial

You probably won't reach to the end of this article. Trust me, you are not alone. According to a research by Microsoft, the attention span of humans has declined by whopping 25 percent in the last 15 years. According to the study, the attention span of humans has decreased from 12 seconds(2000) to 8 seconds(2015). That means attention span of an average human is less than an average goldfish which has an attention span of 9 seconds. 

The internet undoubtedly has a wealth of information and data. The rise of infographic platforms such as Instagram, microblogging sites such as Twitter has made people averse to reading long articles and watching long videos. Now, is the time to comprise all your thoughts and actions in 60 seconds or less, lest you be lost in the blackhole that is the internet. 

People watch these vanity videos of "Influencers", read attention seeking posts and feel more empty from inside than before. People feel disheartened and restless never having achieved that sense of accomplishment because they no longer have the ability to concentrate on one particular task and discussing it at length. 

People are either trying to drown in hyperactivity or lying in a pool of lethargy. Memes have apparently become therapeutic because who needs to have a meaningful conversation. People have forgotten to spell, because Autocorrect. We are either inside a YouTube rabbit hole or clinging to a nasty Twitter thread to get that dopamine hit. 

Thanks to this fast moving world, humans are always in a hurry but never on time. We, as a society are moving towards a tornado of online fights, misinformation, fake news, cyber bullying, teen depression and most of us don't even realize it. "I don't care" is our motto but we long for reach and approval from strangers. Believe me, Ross wasn't the only one living in denial.

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